Um die Klimaziele zu erreichen, muss die Menschheit Kohlendioxid aus der Luft entnehmen und zum Beispiel unter der Erde speichern. Doch dafür braucht es Regeln.
Prof. Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer, Prof. Dr. Matthias Kalkuhl, Dr. Max Franks, Friedemann Gruner, Dr. Kai Lessmann
– 8 min read
Taking CO2 out of the air – a practice known as carbon dioxide removal (CDR) – is increasingly recognised as a crucial part of achieving climate goals, alongside rapidly reducing emissions.
Dr. Jan Minx, Dr. Steven Smith, Prof. Dr. Gregory Nemet, Dr. Oliver Geden
– 9 min read
Es ist zu spät, um die Klimaziele mit der Abkehr von fossiler Energie zu erreichen. Europa sollte mehr in Technologien investieren, die CO2 aus der Luft holen, mahnt Sabine Fuss.
Das neue Klimaschutzgesetz sieht vor, der Atmosphäre Kohlendioxid zu entziehen. Allerdings fehlt es noch an Mut, den Blick konsequent auf die Vielfalt der möglichen Technologien zu lenken.
Academic knowledge on solutions to remove CO2 is growing. However, research needs to connect with policy communities, industry and the public to achieve results on the way to climate neutrality.
Jan C. Minx, head of working group "Applied Sustainability Science" at MCC explains technologies as a means for removing carbon out of the atmosphere to keep global warming below the crucial 2°C.
Dependency on it grows, but the tech is far from ready. We need more research—especially on deployment and scaling-up—as well as rapid emissions reductions to lower the dependency.
The world’s governments have agreed to ambitious climate goals. But if we are to hit our new targets, scientists and innovators need to move quickly to close the gap between hope and reality.
Prof. Dr. Sabine Fuss, Dr. Jan Minx
– 4 min read
The remaining amount of CO2 that can be released in order to keep the temperature rise below 1.5°C is close to zero. Achieving this target won't work without carbon removal technologies.
Prof. Dr. Sabine Fuss, Dr. Jan Minx
– 5 min read
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